is a sleeper hit? It is a film that obtains it box-office through word
of mouth. So then what would you call a hit that has gathered a
following over time and influenced different forms of media? I think
we’ll call them Cult-Sleepers.
Since I just coined the phrase I will name the first film…Psychomania.
artwork has been used on album covers and fliers, it has influenced
punk rock bands The Damned and The Misfits and it’s been released and
re-released time and again.
film opens with a group of bikers in skull and cross bone helmets,
known as “The Living Dead” cruising in the fog laden field. After
causing the death of a motorist who happened upon them, the leader Tom
and his girlfriend Abby sit in a graveyard and argue about couple stuff
when Tom suggest crossing over. Tom wants to be dead to really live and
wants Abby with him.
Tom up on his offer and dies as well.
the rest of the gang is arrested, Tom and Jane break them out and there
is no more doubt. Members are dying left and right and returning to
wreak havoc. All except Abby, who believes there is more to immortality
than Tom knows.
was made in 1971 and remains quite the time capsule film. It is in many
ways a slice of British life long gone and gone wrong. Though not as
atmospherically rich as some of my recommendations, this film is
definitely a must see at least once. I have read many reviews on the web
and everyone seems to have discovered this film in their youth and have
been unable to shake it. I can remember watching it on a Sunday
afternoon on channel 13 in Los Angeles and asking my mother to explain
the ending to me. I had a crush on Jane the wild girl (even then I knew
what excited me). The main theme is groovetastic, it will stick in your
head no matter how hard you try.
for the cast, well this was George Sanders last role and he plays it as
well as he ever played anything. There is a faint hint of pure evil
underneath the surface of his performance. Kind of like an evil Twilight
Zone character. Rumor has it that he did see a rough cut of the film
before his suicide.
Henson who plays Tom, sleep walks through his role so he is never
really likeable or hateable. He stated in a recent interview that he
hated the script and it does show on screen (a note to actors: the roles
you take because you think no one will see them are usually the ones
you are remembered for…give them your all)
Larkin as Abby the sort of good-bad girl with a heart of gold is more
of a plot devise than a character. She does seem to do the best with
what she’s given.
far the most interesting character is Jane, the most hell bent member
of the group and successor to Tom after his initial demise. Jane is
brought to vivid life by genre fav Ann Michelle, known for her starring
turn in the “Virgin Witch”. If you didn’t get enough of her in this film
you get ALL of her in that one.

crumpets fill the screen as do the best in mod fashion. The deaths are
tame but the mood is grim and unrelenting. There is a satanic sub text
to the whole film and because it is sub text it doesn’t slip into
Last year's tribute to the film that lives after death. Another is planned for this year. Check your facebook.
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